Fraud And Ethics Training Acknowledgement

Operating with integrity every day is CARING HEARTS HOME CARE’S Way. CARING HEARS HOME CARE’S commitment to doing business ethically and legally is the foundation for the company’s culture, which is shaped by our six core values-Client Value Creation, One Global Network, Respect for the Individual, Best People, Integrity and Stewardship.

This commitment is further manifested in CARING HEARTS HOME CARE’S Ethics & Compliance program, which is authorized by our board and managed by our Chief Executive Officer.

CARING HEARTS HOME CARE’S Ethics & Compliance program is designed to (i) foster the highest ethical standards and a commitment to compliance with the law and policy, (ii) prevent, detect, report and address any allegation of misconduct, and (iii) comply with applicable laws and standards.

The program extends to cover not just CARING HEARTS HOME CARE’S employees, but also those who work on our behalf and other third parties.

CARING HEARTS HOME CARE’S code of business ethics establishes an ethical framework of expected behaviors in everything we do, from serving our clients and running our business, reputation and transparency as a company. It specifically emphasizes that:

Acting with integrity in compliance with laws is not just about doing the right thing and protecting CARING HEARTS HOME CARE. It has a tangible impact on our performance and reflects on our character as a business-to our clients and the public at large.

The Code of Business Ethics builds on our six core values by providing greater detail about expected ethical behaviors of all employees. The Code of Business Ethics provides this detail through a series of “action statements” associated with each core value that describe how we expect all employees and contractors to behave in relation to specific circumstances.